Caching vs Persisting in PySpark: Understanding the Differences with Examples

When working with large datasets in PySpark, it’s essential to optimize your code for efficiency. One common technique is to cache or persist your data in memory, so it can be accessed faster during subsequent operations. However, it’s important to understand the difference between caching and persisting in PySpark to make the most of these optimizations.

Cache and persist are two PySpark functions that store your data in memory. While they may seem interchangeable, there are some key differences to consider. In this blog post, we’ll explore these differences and give you an example of when to use each one.

What is Caching in PySpark?

Caching in PySpark is the process of storing a DataFrame, RDD, or other PySpark object in memory, so it can be accessed faster during subsequent operations. When you cache an object in PySpark, it’s stored in memory on the worker nodes. This means that if you run a subsequent operation on the same data, it can be accessed more quickly, without the need to read it from disk again.

Here’s an example of caching a DataFrame in PySpark:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("caching-example").getOrCreate()

df ="path/to/data.csv", header=True)

df.cache() # caching the DataFrame

df.filter(df["column"] == "value").show()

df.filter(df["column"] == "value2").show()

In this example, we’re caching a DataFrame, so we can access it more quickly during subsequent operations. We then filter the DataFrame based on two different conditions. Since the DataFrame is cached, it can be accessed more quickly during both of these filter operations.

What is Persisting in PySpark?

Persisting in PySpark is similar to caching, but with a key difference: you can choose where to store the data. When you persist an object in PySpark, you have the option to store it in memory, disk, or a combination of the two. You can also choose the level of persistence, from MEMORY_ONLY to MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2.

Here’s an example of persisting a DataFrame in PySpark:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("persisting-example").getOrCreate()

df ="path/to/data.csv", header=True)

df.persist() # persisting the DataFrame to memory and disk

df.filter(df["column"] == "value").show()

df.filter(df["column"] == "value2").show()

In this example, we’re persisting a DataFrame to both memory and disk. We then filter the DataFrame based on two different conditions. Since the DataFrame is persisted, it can be accessed more quickly during both of these filter operations.

Cache vs Persist: What’s the Difference?

The main difference between cache and persist in PySpark is that cache only stores data in memory, while persist allows you to choose where to store the data. Additionally, persist allows you to choose the level of persistence, from MEMORY_ONLY to MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2.

When choosing between cache and persist in PySpark, there are a few things to consider. If you have enough memory available to store your data, cache is a good option. However, if you have limited memory, or if you want to store your data on disk to free up memory, persist is the better choice.


Caching and persisting in PySpark can significantly improve the performance of your code when working with large datasets. While cache and persist may seem interchangeable, it’s important to understand the key differences between them to optimize your code effectively. Remember that cache only stores data in memory, while persist allows you to choose where to store the data,

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