FastGCN (Fast Graph Convolutional Networks) and Importance Sampling

Fast Graph Convolutional Networks (FastGCN) is an advanced approach designed to address the scalability issues inherent in traditional Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs). As graphs grow larger, the computational and memory requirements for training GCNs increase dramatically. FastGCN leverages an importance sampling technique to accelerate training and reduce computational costs, making GCNs more feasible for large-scale graph applications.

Limitations of Traditional GCN Training

Traditional GCNs operate by aggregating information from all the neighbors of each node in the graph. This full-batch training approach leads to several challenges when applied to large graphs:

  1. High Computational Cost: Every layer in a GCN involves aggregating features from all neighbors of each node. For a large graph with millions of nodes, this aggregation process becomes computationally intensive, especially as the number of layers increases.
  2. Memory Inefficiency: Storing the entire adjacency matrix and node embeddings for backpropagation requires substantial memory. This becomes impractical for very large graphs.
  3. Neighborhood Explosion: In deeper layers of GCNs, the effective neighborhood of each node expands exponentially. This neighborhood explosion further increases computational requirements and memory usage.

To mitigate these challenges, FastGCN introduces an importance sampling technique that allows for efficient approximation of the aggregation process in GCNs.

Introduction to FastGCN

FastGCN modifies the training process of GCNs by incorporating a sampling strategy that approximates the aggregation operation. Instead of aggregating information from all neighbors, FastGCN samples a subset of nodes at each layer based on their importance, allowing for a significant reduction in computation and memory requirements.

  1. Sampling Strategy: FastGCN does not sample neighbors of each node directly. Instead, it samples nodes independently for each convolutional layer using a probability distribution that reflects the importance of each node in the context of the graph’s structure and the task at hand.
  2. Independent Sampling: Unlike node-wise sampling methods that sample neighbors layer by layer, FastGCN samples nodes independently for each layer. This reduces the correlation between samples across layers, leading to more efficient and unbiased estimates of the aggregation function.

Importance Sampling in FastGCN

Importance sampling is a statistical technique used to estimate the properties of a particular distribution while only having samples generated from a different distribution. FastGCN uses importance sampling to select a subset of nodes in a way that ensures the sampled nodes are representative of the entire graph.

  1. Importance Sampling Technique:
    • FastGCN assigns a sampling probability to each node based on its degree or some other measure of importance. Nodes with higher degrees (or higher importance scores) are more likely to be sampled.
    • The sampling probability \(p_i\) for each node \(i\) is proportional to its importance. The sampled nodes are then used to compute a weighted average of the aggregated features.
  2. Weighted Aggregation: To correct for the bias introduced by sampling, FastGCN computes a weighted sum of the sampled nodes’ features. The weight for each node is inversely proportional to its sampling probability:

h_i^{(k+1)} = \sigma \left( \sum_{j \in S_i^{(k)}} \frac{1}{p_j} W^{(k)} h_j^{(k)} \right)


  • \(h_i^{(k+1)}\) is the updated embedding for node \(i\) at layer \(k+1\),
  • \(S_i^{(k)}\) represents the set of sampled nodes at layer \(k\),
  • \(p_j\) is the sampling probability for node \(j\),
  • \(W^{(k)}\) is the learnable weight matrix for layer \(k\),
  • \(\sigma\) is a non-linear activation function (e.g., ReLU).

Theoretical Justification of Importance Sampling

The rationale behind using importance sampling in FastGCN is to ensure that the sampled nodes provide an unbiased estimate of the full aggregation process:

  1. Unbiased Estimation: By sampling nodes with probabilities proportional to their importance and applying appropriate weighting, FastGCN ensures that the expected value of the aggregated features remains consistent with what would have been obtained using the full set of neighbors.
  2. Variance Reduction: Importance sampling helps reduce the variance of the estimated gradients, leading to more stable and faster convergence during training. This is especially beneficial when dealing with large graphs where high variance could cause training instability.
  3. Reduced Computational Complexity: The computational complexity of FastGCN is significantly reduced because it only requires aggregating features from a subset of nodes rather than all nodes in the graph. This makes FastGCN much more scalable compared to traditional GCNs.

Practical Benefits of FastGCN

  1. Scalability: FastGCN scales efficiently to large graphs by using only a small subset of nodes for each layer’s aggregation, drastically reducing both computation time and memory requirements.
  2. Reduced Memory Usage: By not requiring the entire adjacency matrix or all node embeddings in memory simultaneously, FastGCN alleviates the memory bottleneck commonly faced in traditional GCN training.
  3. Faster Training: With reduced computational and memory overheads, FastGCN enables faster training times, making it practical for large-scale graph applications.
  4. Generalizability: The importance sampling framework in FastGCN allows the model to generalize better to unseen nodes by focusing on the most informative parts of the graph.


FastGCN represents a significant advancement in the scalability and efficiency of Graph Neural Networks. By incorporating importance sampling, FastGCN accelerates the training process and reduces the computational burden, making it feasible to apply GCNs to very large graphs. The ability to provide unbiased estimates through importance sampling and reduce variance during training further enhances the model’s performance and stability, making FastGCN a powerful tool for a wide range of applications in large-scale graph analysis.

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