Introduction to Message Passing with Self-Loops

In Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), the concept of “message passing” is fundamental to how information is propagated across nodes in a graph. Message passing allows each node to gather and aggregate information from its neighbors to update its own representation iteratively. This process is crucial for tasks like node classification, link prediction, and graph classification. However, adding self-loops to nodes in GNNs brings certain benefits and challenges that can significantly impact the model’s expressivity and stability.


  • Understanding Message Passing in GNNs
  • Role of Self-Loops in Message Passing
  • Benefits and Shortcomings of Self-Loops
  • Practical Implications in GNN Design
Understanding Message Passing in GNNs

In GNNs, message passing involves two main steps:

  1. Aggregation: Each node gathers information (messages) from its neighbors.
  2. Update: The node updates its own representation based on the aggregated information.

For a simple example, consider a graph where each node represents a person in a social network, and each edge represents a friendship. A node might want to update its representation based on the average or sum of its friends’ features, such as their interests or activity levels.

The aggregation can be mathematically represented as:

\(h_i^{(k+1)} = \text{AGGREGATE}\left({h_j^{(k)} : j \in \mathcal{N}(i)}\right)\)


  • \( h_i^{(k+1)} \) is the updated representation of node \(i\) at layer \(k+1\),
  • \( \mathcal{N}(i) \) represents the set of neighbors of node \(i\),
  • \( \text{AGGREGATE} \) is a function (like sum, mean, or max) that combines the neighbors’ features.

Role of Self-Loops in Message Passing

A self-loop is an edge that connects a node to itself. In the context of GNNs, adding self-loops means that, during message passing, a node also considers its current state when updating its representation. Mathematically, this can be expressed as:

h_i^{(k+1)} = \text{AGGREGATE}\left({h_j^{(k)} : j \in \mathcal{N}(i) \cup {i}}\right)

Including the node itself \((i)\) in its neighborhood \(( \mathcal{N}(i) \cup {i} )\) ensures that the node’s current state is part of the aggregation. This self-loop mechanism plays a crucial role in stabilizing the representation learning process.

Benefits and Shortcomings of Self-Loops


  1. Avoiding Over-Smoothing: In deeper GNNs, as the number of layers increases, the repeated aggregation of neighbors’ features can lead to a problem known as “over-smoothing,” where node representations become indistinguishably similar. By including self-loops, each node retains some of its own unique features, helping mitigate this issue.
  2. Enhancing Stability: Self-loops can make the aggregation operation more stable by maintaining the original information of the node across layers. Without self-loops, a node’s new representation might heavily depend on its neighbors, leading to instability, especially when the neighbors have significantly different features.
  3. Simplifying the Update Function: The addition of self-loops removes the need for explicitly defining a separate update function for each node, as the node’s own state is naturally included in the aggregation.


  1. Limited Expressivity: While self-loops help in retaining the node’s original information, they also limit the expressivity of the GNN. If the information from the node itself is not differentiated from the information coming from its neighbors, it may not be possible to learn complex dependencies between nodes effectively.
  2. Sensitivity to Node Degrees: If a node has a significantly higher number of neighbors compared to others, the aggregated message might be dominated by the node itself, or conversely, by its neighbors, depending on the aggregation function. This imbalance can lead to unstable training and poor performance, especially in graphs with a wide range of node degrees.

Practical Implications in GNN Design

In practice, when designing GNNs, the decision to include self-loops depends on the specific task and the properties of the graph. For instance, in citation networks where nodes represent academic papers, self-loops might be useful to maintain the individuality of each paper while aggregating information from cited papers.

Researchers often experiment with different configurations, using either raw self-loops, weighted self-loops, or no self-loops at all, to find the best setup for their particular use case.

In summary, self-loops in message passing provide a straightforward mechanism to balance the influence of a node’s own features and its neighbors’ features, enhancing the stability and effectiveness of Graph Neural Networks. However, careful consideration is required to manage their impact on the model’s expressivity and performance.

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