Node and Graph Classification Using GNN

Node and graph classification are two fundamental tasks in the application of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). These tasks involve predicting labels for either individual nodes within a graph (node classification) or entire graphs themselves (graph classification). GNNs have proven to be powerful tools for these tasks because they leverage the relational structure of graph data, allowing them to learn from both node features and the connections between nodes. This makes GNNs particularly effective in diverse domains such as social networks, biology, chemistry, and recommendation systems.


  • Understanding Node and Graph Classification
  • Node Classification with GNNs
  • Graph Classification with GNNs
  • Key Techniques and Models for Node and Graph Classification
  • Real-World Applications
  • Benefits and Challenges of Using GNNs for Classification Tasks

Understanding Node and Graph Classification

Node Classification and Graph Classification are two distinct but related tasks that leverage the structure of graph data to make predictions:

  1. Node Classification: Involves predicting a label or category for individual nodes within a graph. Each node has its own set of features and is connected to other nodes through edges. The goal is to learn a function that maps the features and structure of each node and its neighborhood to a specific label.
  2. Graph Classification: Involves predicting a label for an entire graph rather than individual nodes. Here, the model must learn to summarize the entire graph structure and the features of its nodes into a single embedding that captures the relevant information for the classification task.

Node Classification with GNNs

Node classification is a supervised learning task where the goal is to predict the category or label of a node based on its features and the features of its neighbors. This is particularly useful in applications where nodes represent entities that belong to different classes.

  1. Definition and Goal: Given a graph \(G = (V, E)\) where \(V\) is the set of nodes and \(E\) is the set of edges, and a set of node features \({h_i : i \in V}\), the goal is to predict the label \(y_i\) for each node \(i\).
  2. Key Approaches: GNNs perform node classification by iteratively aggregating information from each node’s local neighborhood. This aggregation allows each node to build a representation that captures both its own features and the features of its neighbors.
  3. Example Use Case: In a social network, each user (node) might have a set of features (such as profile information) and be connected to other users (edges). The task could be to classify users into different categories (e.g., “fake account” vs. “real account”) based on their interactions and profile information.
  4. Common Models for Node Classification:
    • Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs): Use a convolutional operation to aggregate features from a node’s neighbors, making them effective for node classification.
    • Graph Attention Networks (GATs): Use attention mechanisms to weigh the importance of different neighbors, providing more flexibility in learning from heterogeneous or noisy graphs.
    • GraphSAGE: Aggregates features from a sampled set of neighbors, making it scalable to large graphs.

Graph Classification with GNNs

Graph classification involves predicting a label for an entire graph. This task is useful when the input data is naturally structured as multiple graphs, each representing a different instance, and the goal is to classify these instances into different categories.

  1. Definition and Goal: Given a set of graphs \({G_1, G_2, …, G_N}\) where each graph \(G_i = (V_i, E_i)\) has its own set of nodes \(V_i\) and edges \(E_i\), along with node features \({h_{i,j} : j \in V_i}\) for each graph, the goal is to predict a label \(y_i\) for each graph \(G_i\).
  2. Key Approaches: To perform graph classification, GNNs must aggregate node features across the entire graph to produce a single graph-level embedding. This often involves two stages:
    • Node Embedding: Generate embeddings for each node through multiple layers of message passing and aggregation.
    • Graph Embedding: Aggregate node embeddings into a single graph embedding using pooling operations (e.g., mean, sum, or max pooling).
  3. Example Use Case: In drug discovery, each molecule can be represented as a graph where nodes are atoms and edges are chemical bonds. The task might be to classify these molecules based on their properties (e.g., “toxic” vs. “non-toxic”).
  4. Common Models for Graph Classification:
    • Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs): Extended to graph classification by adding pooling layers to aggregate node-level representations into graph-level embeddings.
    • DiffPool: A hierarchical pooling method that adaptively clusters nodes to create a coarser representation of the graph.
    • Graph Isomorphism Networks (GINs): Focus on capturing the expressive power of graph isomorphisms to differentiate between different graph structures effectively.

Key Techniques and Models for Node and Graph Classification

  1. Message Passing and Aggregation: In both node and graph classification, the core of the GNN model involves message passing, where each node aggregates information from its neighbors. This process is repeated over several layers to capture increasingly larger neighborhoods.
  2. Pooling Techniques: For graph classification, pooling is crucial to condense node-level information into a graph-level representation. Techniques like sum, average, max pooling, or more advanced methods like hierarchical pooling are often used.
  3. Attention Mechanisms: Attention mechanisms, particularly in Graph Attention Networks (GATs), allow the model to weigh different neighbors differently, which can be critical for both node and graph classification tasks.
  4. Hierarchical Models: For graph classification, hierarchical models like DiffPool provide a way to progressively reduce the graph size by merging nodes, effectively capturing both local and global graph structures.

Real-World Applications

  1. Social Networks:
    • Node Classification: Detecting fake accounts or classifying users based on behavior.
    • Graph Classification: Classifying entire communities or groups within a network (e.g., distinguishing between different types of social movements).
  2. Biological Networks:
    • Node Classification: Identifying the function of proteins in a protein-protein interaction network.
    • Graph Classification: Classifying molecules based on their biological activity or toxicity.
  3. Knowledge Graphs:
    • Node Classification: Predicting missing attributes for entities.
    • Graph Classification: Classifying subgraphs representing different types of relations or clusters within a knowledge base.
  4. Recommender Systems:
    • Node Classification: Predicting user preferences based on user-item interactions.
    • Graph Classification: Classifying user behavior patterns or entire sessions.

Benefits and Challenges of Using GNNs for Classification Tasks


  1. Leverage Relational Data: GNNs effectively utilize both node features and graph structure, capturing the complex dependencies and relationships inherent in graph data.
  2. Flexibility and Adaptability: GNNs can be applied to various graph types and are easily adapted to different domains and tasks.
  3. Improved Performance: In many cases, GNNs outperform traditional machine learning methods by leveraging the rich, relational information present in graphs.


  1. Scalability: Applying GNNs to large-scale graphs can be computationally expensive, particularly for graph classification tasks.
  2. Over-Smoothing: In deeper GNNs, node representations may become too similar (over-smoothing), which can degrade performance, especially in node classification tasks.
  3. Complexity of Model Design: Designing GNNs for specific tasks and domains requires careful consideration of model architecture, aggregation methods, and pooling strategies.


Node and graph classification are two critical applications of Graph Neural Networks, leveraging the powerful ability of GNNs to learn from graph-structured data. By aggregating information from local neighborhoods and capturing both node-level and graph-level patterns, GNNs have demonstrated strong performance across various domains. However, designing effective GNN models for these tasks requires addressing challenges related to scalability, over-smoothing, and model complexity, making it a dynamic and evolving field of research.

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