Building a Travel Planner Chatbot: A Step-by-Step Guide

Building a Travel Planner Chatbot: A Step-by-Step Guide

In this blog post, we will walk through the development of a travel planner chatbot that uses machine learning, natural language processing, and integrations with APIs for flight and accommodation bookings. This chatbot is designed to understand user preferences and assist in planning a personalized travel itinerary.


Before you start, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Python 3.10 or higher
  • Llama Index for managing data and LLM interactions
  • OpenAI API for handling natural language understanding
  • Streamlit for building a web-based user interface
  • psycopg2 for database integration (PostgreSQL)
  • DuckDuckGo Search API for external search capabilities
  • Localtunnel for hosting the application temporarily

Install these libraries using the following commands:

pip install llama-index openai streamlit python-dotenv duckduckgo_search requests
npm install localtunnel

Architecture Overview

The chatbot is built using a multi-agent system where each agent performs a specific task such as understanding user intent, handling bookings, or querying a database for real-time travel information.

Here’s a simplified architecture:

graph TD
  A[User] --> B[Main Chatbot Agent]
  B --> C{Travel Planner Agent}
  C --> D[Flight Booking API]
  C --> E[Accommodation Booking API]
  C --> F[Database for Travel Information]
  B --> G[Feedback Tool]
  G --> C
  F --> H[User Recommendations]
  • Main Chatbot Agent: Acts as the central unit, coordinating with other agents based on user inputs.
  • Travel Planner Agent: Handles flight and accommodation bookings, retrieves travel recommendations.
  • Feedback Tool: Helps refine user inputs for better travel suggestions.
  • Database: Stores flight schedules, accommodation details, and user preferences.

Setting Up the Environment

To set up the environment for your travel planner chatbot, you need to create a .env file with your API credentials:


System Architecture and Agent Design

A multi-agent system (MAS) is used for the travel planner chatbot to break down the chatbot’s tasks into manageable components. Each agent focuses on specific actions, improving scalability and maintainability. Below is an expanded architecture with key functionalities:

graph LR
    A[User] -->|Inputs travel details| B[Main Chatbot Agent]
    B -->|Delegates| C{Travel Planner Agent}
    B --> D{Feedback Agent}
    B --> E{Flight API Handler}
    B --> F{Accommodation API Handler}
    C --> G[Itinerary Generator]
    E --> H[External Flight API]
    F --> I[External Hotel API]
    G -->|Generates| J[Personalized Itinerary]

Key Agents:

  1. Main Chatbot Agent: Central command that orchestrates tasks by delegating them to specific agents based on user inputs.
  2. Travel Planner Agent: Handles travel planning by retrieving information and managing the logic for booking flights, hotels, and other activities.
  3. Feedback Agent: Responsible for refining user input, validating missing or incorrect details, and ensuring preferences are captured accurately.
  4. API Handlers (Flight and Accommodation): Interfaces with external flight and accommodation services to check availability and complete bookings.

Step-by-Step Implementation

1. Natural Language Understanding (NLU)

The chatbot’s ability to comprehend diverse travel queries comes from leveraging OpenAI’s language models, such as text-ada-001. However, a key challenge in NLP-based travel agents is context understanding and disambiguation. To address this, the chatbot uses a slot-filling mechanism to gather essential information from the user.

from openai import OpenAI

class ChatbotNLU:
    def __init__(self, api_key):
        self.llm = OpenAI(api_key=api_key)

    def extract_intent(self, user_input):
        prompt = f"Identify intent and key information in: {user_input}"
        response = self.llm.complete(prompt=prompt, max_tokens=50)
        return response['choices'][0]['text']

# Sample usage
nlu = ChatbotNLU(api_key="your_openai_key")
print(nlu.extract_intent("I want to travel to Bali next month"))

This will help identify key travel details such as:

  • Intent: Travel planning.
  • Destination: Bali.
  • Dates: Next month.

2. Handling Missing Information with Feedback

When the chatbot doesn’t have enough details to proceed, it uses the Feedback Agent to request additional information from the user. This helps in refining user inputs in real-time without interrupting the conversation.

def handle_missing_information(user_input, preferences):
    if not preferences.get('destination'):
        return "Where would you like to travel?"
    if not preferences.get('start_date'):
        return "When do you plan to start your trip?"
    return "Great! Let me confirm the rest of your preferences."

This dynamic interaction ensures users are prompted for missing details in a conversational and natural way.

3. Personalized Travel Recommendations

Using historical data or specific user preferences, the chatbot can provide tailored recommendations. This can be done through a combination of predefined knowledge and external searches (using DuckDuckGo Search or other APIs).

import requests

def get_recommendations(location):
    if location == "Gokarna":
        return ["Visit Kudle Beach", "Yoga session at Paradise Beach", "Trekking to Mirjan Fort"]
        return ["Sightseeing", "Museum visits", "City tour"]

def search_activity(activity):
    api_url = f"{activity}&format=json"
    response = requests.get(api_url)
    return response.json().get('AbstractText')

The recommendations are dynamically adjusted based on the user’s preferences. The agent can even add these suggestions to the itinerary if the user opts in.

4. Booking Flights and Accommodation

The Travel Planner Agent interacts with third-party APIs to book flights and accommodation based on user preferences. This requires working with REST APIs and handling potential errors such as unavailability or invalid inputs.

  • Flight Booking Example:
def book_flight(flight_details):
    api_url = ""
    response =, json=flight_details)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        return response.json().get('booking_reference')
        return "Error: Unable to book flight."
  • Accommodation Booking Example:
def book_accommodation(hotel_details):
    api_url = ""
    response =, json=hotel_details)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        return response.json().get('reservation_id')
        return "Error: Unable to reserve accommodation."

The chatbot gracefully handles errors such as unavailability or conflicting bookings, and provides alternative suggestions if needed.

5. Generating the Itinerary

The Itinerary Generator creates a day-by-day travel plan for the user based on their inputs, preferences, and selected activities. This plan includes not only the trip schedule but also restaurant recommendations, tips for transportation, and weather information.

def generate_itinerary(user_preferences):
    return f"""
    ### Travel Itinerary for {user_preferences['destination']}
    **Dates**: {user_preferences['start_date']} to {user_preferences['end_date']}
    **Accommodation**: {user_preferences['accommodation_type']}
    - {', '.join(user_preferences['suggested_activities'])}
    **Budget**: {user_preferences['budget']}

The generated itinerary looks like this:

### Travel Itinerary for Gokarna

**Dates**: 21st October 2024 to 28th October 2024

**Accommodation**: Beachside Cottage

- Beach hopping
- Trekking to Mirjan Fort
- Water sports at Om Beach
- Yoga sessions at Paradise Beach

**Budget**: 10000 INR per person

6. Real-Time Updates

To keep the user informed about their trip, the chatbot provides real-time updates for flight schedules, weather conditions, and travel alerts. This is done via integrations with services like OpenWeatherMap or flight tracking APIs.

def get_weather_forecast(destination, start_date):
    api_url = f"{destination}&appid=your_api_key"
    response = requests.get(api_url)
    return response.json()['list'][0]['weather'][0]['description']

This ensures the user is prepared for any weather changes during their trip.

7. Enhancing the User Experience via Streamlit

Streamlit is used to create a web-based interface where users can interact with the chatbot in real time. Users can easily view their itinerary, check the status of their bookings, or even modify their plans on the go.

import streamlit as st

def travel_chatbot_ui():
    st.title("Travel Planner Chatbot")
    user_input = st.text_input("Where do you want to travel?")
    if user_input:
        st.write(f"Searching for travel options to {user_input}...")
        # Call the main chatbot function here

Streamlit simplifies the deployment of the chatbot to a user-friendly interface, allowing non-technical users to interact seamlessly.

8. Feedback and Error Handling

When errors occur during booking (e.g., a flight is unavailable), the chatbot proactively suggests alternatives to avoid disrupting the user’s experience. The Feedback Tool assesses user satisfaction and helps improve responses based on feedback loops.

def handle_booking_error(error_message):
    return f"Oops! {error_message}. Would you like to try a different option?"

def capture_feedback(user_response):
    if user_response == "yes":
        return "Thank you for your feedback! We'll improve our service."
        return "Could you please provide more details on what went wrong?"

This adds a layer of robustness to the chatbot, ensuring users feel heard and supported throughout their journey planning.

Final Thoughts

This chatbot demonstrates how modern AI technologies can simplify the travel planning process by providing personalized recommendations, handling bookings, and offering real-time travel updates. You can further enhance this by adding more APIs, fine-tuning NLP models, and expanding the chatbot’s capabilities.

By integrating all these components, you can build a chatbot that offers a smooth, user-friendly travel experience.

Happy Coding!

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