Over-Smoothing in GNN and the PairNorm Solution

As Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are applied to deeper architectures, they often encounter a problem known as over-smoothing. Over-smoothing is a phenomenon where, after several layers of message passing, the node representations become indistinguishably similar. This homogenization of node features limits the model’s ability to distinguish between different nodes, reducing its effectiveness and expressivity. To address this challenge, various normalization techniques have been proposed, with PairNorm being a notable solution designed specifically to counteract over-smoothing.

Understanding Over-Smoothing in GNNs

Over-smoothing is a common issue encountered in deep GNN architectures where, as the number of layers increases, the feature vectors of different nodes in the graph converge to similar values. This makes it difficult for the model to distinguish between nodes based on their learned representations.

  1. Definition of Over-Smoothing: Over-smoothing occurs when the representations of nodes become nearly identical after multiple rounds of neighborhood aggregation. This phenomenon arises because each layer of a GNN involves aggregating information from a node’s neighbors, leading to the mixing of features across the graph.
  2. Effects of Over-Smoothing: When over-smoothing occurs, the GNN loses its ability to differentiate between nodes, which results in reduced model performance on tasks that require distinguishing between different node types or classes. This is particularly detrimental in tasks like node classification or graph clustering, where distinct node embeddings are crucial.

Causes of Over-Smoothing in Deep GNNs

Several factors contribute to over-smoothing in deep GNN models:

  1. Repeated Neighbor Aggregation: In each layer of a GNN, a node aggregates information from its neighbors. As the number of layers increases, the aggregation process causes the features to become increasingly similar, especially in densely connected graphs where many nodes share common neighbors.
  2. Graph Connectivity: In highly connected graphs, or graphs with long-range dependencies, the neighborhood of each node expands rapidly as the number of layers increases. This leads to more extensive mixing of features across distant parts of the graph.
  3. Lack of Mechanisms to Preserve Node Distinction: Traditional GNN architectures often lack explicit mechanisms to preserve the uniqueness of node features during aggregation. Without such mechanisms, the repeated mixing of features causes the embeddings to converge to a common mean.

Impact of Over-Smoothing on Model Performance

Over-smoothing can severely degrade the performance of GNN models:

  1. Loss of Discriminative Power: As node embeddings become indistinguishable, the model loses its ability to make fine-grained distinctions between different nodes. This results in poor performance on tasks like node classification, where accurate distinctions between nodes are essential.
  2. Reduced Expressivity: Over-smoothing reduces the expressivity of the GNN model, limiting its ability to learn complex patterns and relationships in the graph. This makes the model less effective for tasks that require capturing nuanced information.
  3. Difficulty in Training Deeper Models: The risk of over-smoothing increases with the depth of the GNN. As a result, training deeper GNNs becomes challenging, and the benefits of increased depth (such as capturing more global patterns) are outweighed by the drawbacks of over-smoothing.

Introduction to PairNorm as a Solution

PairNorm is a normalization technique proposed to mitigate the problem of over-smoothing in deep GNNs. The main idea behind PairNorm is to maintain the Total Pairwise Squared Distance (TPSD) between node representations throughout the layers, thereby preserving the distinctiveness of node features even in deep models.

  1. Key Idea: PairNorm aims to prevent node embeddings from collapsing into a similar space by ensuring that the relative distances between node pairs are maintained across layers. This helps maintain a degree of diversity in the node representations.
  2. Motivation: Traditional normalization techniques, such as batch normalization, focus on maintaining the scale of individual feature vectors but do not explicitly address the problem of feature homogenization across nodes. PairNorm is designed specifically to address this gap by normalizing the pairwise distances between nodes.

How PairNorm Works

PairNorm operates by normalizing the node embeddings in a way that preserves their total pairwise distance. This is achieved through a two-step process:

  1. Centering Step: First, the mean of the node embeddings is subtracted from each embedding to center the embeddings around the origin:
    \(h_i^{\prime} = h_i – \frac{1}{N} \sum_{j=1}^{N} h_j\)
    • \(h_i\) is the original feature vector for node \(i\),
    • \(N\) is the total number of nodes,
    • \(h_i^{\prime}\) is the centered feature vector for node \(i\).
  2. Normalization Step: Next, PairNorm rescales the node embeddings to ensure that the total pairwise squared distance between all node embeddings remains consistent across layers:
    \(h_i^{\text{PN}} = \frac{h_i^{\prime}}{\sqrt{\frac{1}{N} \sum_{j=1}^{N} |h_j^{\prime}|^2}}\)
    • \(h_i^{\text{PN}}\) is the normalized feature vector for node \(i\),
    • The normalization factor ensures that the total pairwise squared distance is preserved.
    • By applying PairNorm, the GNN model prevents over-smoothing and maintains a meaningful distinction between node embeddings, even as the number of layers increases.

Benefits and Limitations of PairNorm


  1. Mitigates Over-Smoothing: PairNorm effectively reduces the risk of over-smoothing by preserving the diversity of node embeddings throughout the GNN layers, enabling the model to maintain its discriminative power.
  2. Supports Deeper GNN Architectures: With PairNorm, deeper GNN models can be trained without suffering from the drawbacks of over-smoothing, allowing for better capture of long-range dependencies and more complex patterns in the graph.
  3. Improved Performance on Complex Tasks: By maintaining distinct node representations, PairNorm enhances the performance of GNNs on tasks requiring fine-grained distinctions between nodes, such as node classification and graph clustering.


  1. Computational Overhead: The normalization process in PairNorm introduces additional computational overhead, particularly in large graphs where the number of nodes is substantial.
  2. Applicability to Different GNN Architectures: While PairNorm is effective in many scenarios, its benefits may vary depending on the specific GNN architecture and the characteristics of the graph. It may not always be the best choice for all types of GNNs or graph data.


Over-smoothing is a significant challenge in deep Graph Neural Networks, limiting their ability to learn meaningful node representations. PairNorm offers a robust solution to this problem by maintaining the total pairwise distance between node embeddings, thus preventing the homogenization of features and enabling deeper, more expressive GNN models. By preserving the diversity of node representations, PairNorm enhances the performance and scalability of GNNs across various applications, from social network analysis to biological research and beyond.

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